Friday, July 07, 2006

Days 1-3 of Fancy New Job

An Ode to Penny Karma

Day One, 5 July 2006:

7 AM: Alarm goes off playing the only radio station I could find that might broadcast NPR. It was "The Early Show". Who knew you could listen to the TV on the radio?

7.10 AM: Take Jerry and Cassidy out for the morning constitutional. On leashes.

7.45 AM: Re-enter apartment thru window. I locked myself out of my really-far-off-the-ground-first-floor-windowed apartment. Thanks to all the watchful faeries for giving me 2nd floor neighbors with a canoe rack, and a canoe that I gently stepped on in order to hoist myself over a sill with a nail that ripped my t-shirt thru the no-screened Shaker window onto my couch.

8.32 AM: Arrive in my office 2 minutes late to the horror of an unlocked door, lights on, and a lovely canvas goodie bag from THE BOSS. How cool! I hope she doesn't know I was late. I have a thing for timeliness in the work place, especially on the first day.

8.35-8.55 AM: Attempt to log onto my work computer. Let's all remember, I attended meetings, etc. at the Fancy New Place in early June; log on has happened before.

8.55 AM: Finally stumble upon system password.

8.55-9.25 AM: Try to log onto Fancy New Job Email. Finally asked colleague, coincidental owner of aforementioned canoe, and discover Not-On-Site-Tech-Guy error, fix said error, and finally get into email program.

Please note: We're not even three full hours into my First Day of FNJ.

4 PM: Go back to unlocked first floor apartment. It's a temporary stay, so nothing is unpacked. There is no phone. No Internet access. No Tour. No World Cup. No Wimbledon. One channel on the TV. No AC. A LOT of humidity, and an active four-year-old living above me. In this historic Shaker building it's as though that loud little cherub lives with me, as well as the four other members of his canoe-owning family.

5 PM: Let Jerry out to meet larger-than-Jerry upstairs neighbor dog. Cassidy met him earlier, so I kept her on leash. Neighbor dog attacks Jerry. Repeatedly. Jerry goes back into the hallway, trying to get back into the apartment, neighbor dog corners him in hallway.

9.30 PM: Make great progress on my niece-to-be's MDK Kimono during "So You Think You Can Dance". Run out of yarn four (4) rows shy of cast off.

Day Two:

Highlight: Dare to check my Bloglines.

Lowlights: FNJ has a firewall that blocks photos and posting abilities on Blogspot. The same firewall blocked me from checking the standings of Le Tour. Left ear swollen to near elephant size. Bug bite, I think. Either that, or it's poison ivy, which I have on various other parts of my body. On my right arm it looks like leprosy at this point.

Day Three: FNJ Retreat, 8.30 - 2 PM.

8.07 AM: Wake up. I forgot to turn on alarm.

8.33 AM: Arrive at THE BOSSES' HOUSE a.k.a. retreat location. Three minutes late, but three others out of six total were later. Whew.

11.30 PM: My ear is a little smaller, and I am at my parents' writing this post. Thankfully, the three (3) hour drive was uneventful. I've successfully ordered more Kimono yarn.


Elizabeth said...

It can only get better, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, you poor thing! I hope you have a nice restful weekend to recover from that stress!

I'm back from Europe as of 1 a.m. this morning. Let me know when you want to get together in Providence!

Rain said...

Lol, it sounds eventful if nothing else.
Who knew canoes could be so useful?

Hope Jerry is ok.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

I'm touched by the Ode! I've never been Oded!

Oh, it's so refreshing to see someone else's life suck!

Wait...that wasn't meant to sound as maliciously spiteful as it did. At least you know I empathize, right?

Running out of yarn is the worst.

Margot said...

The digs are temporary, you say? Loud neighbors with child and intimidating dog who are alos co-workers - that would be rough long-term. Eeep.

A new job is tough. How long were you at your old job? I just started my first new job in 10 years and it amazed me how difficult the transistion was.

It will get better and it will be worth it.

Kaitie Tee said...

The first few days at a job are always the worst. It'll get better though! At least you have yarn on the way.

Zonda said...

Yay for YOTW!! Interesting few days and I sure hope things get better! Glad your ear is smaller too! Take care you!!

LadyLinoleum said...

You seem to be off to a solid start. You had me laughing at the window entrance...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I will definitely be back to visit you...adding you to my bloglines promptly!