Friday, October 13, 2006

How did it happen?

The incident is so vivid in my memory, I didn't think to explain how it happened or that it wouldn't be apparent to my readers. Rachel pointed this out, so let me clarify:

Cassidy, a 50 lb. mutt with what I think must be some terrier in her, got into the sheep pasture that is spitting distance from our home. She went into the barn, thru the screen door that is not attached to the doorway - it's propped up against the opening - and down the ramp. It had been a windy day and I had forgotten that the door wasn't attached to the doorway.

Cass chased the sheep, and the sheep ran into the pond to get away. The first row boat I hopped in quickly took on water, so I dragged out the second one, which delayed the possible rescue. The two of them swam around until the sheep very quickly became exhausted.

It's the thrill of the chase for Cass. And sheep aren't very smart. We didn't have this problem with the cattle or horses on the ranch.

My home, the sheep, the pasture, the pond, the barn, and the leaky rowboat are owned by my employer. You can imagine the pluses and minuses of those details. The Boss is away, but the under-bosses know; burying a sheep carcass is not a one person job.

Is the story clearer?


Kaitie Tee said...

Yes it's clearer and still sad.

Hopefully your boss will be understanding.

Elizabeth said...

Oh Shelagh, they have to secure the whole place a little better. If it hadn't of been Cassidy, it could have been wolves or coyotes, or free ranging domestic dogs. I know that out in the country people are cavalier about keeping dogs tied or otherwise restrained. I'm sorry that it was Cassidy, but really, they need to improve the security on their sheep enclosure.

What a crappy time for you. Hang in there. And just delete all those bloglines. You can always peck away at archives as you see fit.

Lori said...

I'm so sorry, I know how shocking it can be to see a beloved pet act, well, like an animal. He was just being a dog, and, yes, if the sheeps' pen was that easy for a domestic animal to get into, just think what a hungry bunch of wolves or coyotes could have done?
I hope your employers are understanding Don't be too hard on the pup, he didn't know.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I will keep my fingers crossed the Boss understands it was animals being animals (even if they are our pets)...

Rain said...

Oh dear, it must have been awful for you. I hope your boss is understanding about it.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that sounds very stressful and unfun. And your poor dog was probably totally enjoying himself and the excitement, having no way to realize that what he was doing was bad. :(

Jillio said...

oh my...i don't know what i would've done in that situation.
wouldn't eating the sheep be easier than burying it?
just sayin'...
tough situation. :(
hopefully, everything will work out. good luck with that!

reluctantMANGO said...

Oh, how stressful! I hope everything works out. I don't believe that this happened as a result of anything you did or did not do... It's just doggy nature to like to chase things! Hopefully your boss will understand.

PS Thanks for the compliments on my haircut!

Knittypants said...

Oh dear! This is such a sad story, poor sheep, poor Cassidy, poor you! Not fun at all, I hope everything goes smoothly with your boss.

LadyLinoleum said...

Wow, that's terrible girlie! Hopefully your boss will be understanding. Keeping my digits crossed!

Ruth said...

Shelagh, what a nightmare. Cass didn't realize what he was doing, and the poor sheep .... and I can just see you, rowing as hard as you can to the rescue ....

Well, as Elizabeth said, your bosses need to beef up their sheep enclosure. I hope they're understanding ....

Carrie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope you don't get in too much trouble =( I'll be crossing my needles for you.

Kim said...

Oh what a mess! I'm so sorry to hear what happened. Good luck with your boss.