I am intrigued by the way the seasons influence memory...in an instant, I can be transported back to March 22, 2005, for no apparent reason. Or perhaps, right now, because it was a profoundly emotional time.
There were the highs of a love so bright, only an innocent could inspire it. And a loss, so wrenching, it leaves emotional paralysis, and a chasm filled with anxiousness, and sadness, and confusion.
I honor my nephew's short life. He teaches me about strength, love, and human relationships.
Charlie's mother, my sister, is brave. Fearlessly brave.
Charlie's sister is expected to join us, here on earth, in late July. I hope she stays longer than Charlie. But if she doesn't, she'll be with him. I can rest easy with that thought.
me & my angelThere were the highs of a love so bright, only an innocent could inspire it. And a loss, so wrenching, it leaves emotional paralysis, and a chasm filled with anxiousness, and sadness, and confusion.
I honor my nephew's short life. He teaches me about strength, love, and human relationships.
Charlie's mother, my sister, is brave. Fearlessly brave.
Charlie's sister is expected to join us, here on earth, in late July. I hope she stays longer than Charlie. But if she doesn't, she'll be with him. I can rest easy with that thought.
Charles Marshall
born 3 March 2005
died 23 March 2005